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Super quick and easy, packed with flavor!

Caribbean Chicken with Black Beans, Corn and Rice

Simply easy and delicious! You can almost feel the cool Caribbean evening wind blowing over the aqua sea as you sit and enjoy this wonderful meal….

I read through the recipe and got out the pots and pans I would use.

A. 1 qt pot for Rice with Black Beans and Corn. 2-3qt pot for Large and XL servings

B. We Fired up the Gas Grill for this one

C. Lay out and go over your ingredient bags. 1. Marinated Chicken-be sure to save the marinate for a later, flavor saving step. 2. Rice 3. Black Beans and Corn

Let’s start with the Rice… Measure the rice. Our regular serving (2/3 people) uses one cup of rice. Our directions suggest ½ cup of water as you will be adding the marinate to the rice. Bring Water to a boil. Add ¼ teaspoon of salt if you wish. Add rice, stir and cover with lid. Place heat on low and simmer for 10 minutes. Check rice at 10 minutes…

While rice is cooking, get the grill turned on. I usually set heat to medium high to burn off the last grilling meat particles. Brush clean. Remove chicken from the marinade and place on a plate. Keep marinate!!!*

At this point, roughly 10 minutes has passed. I check the rice and then following the directions, add the marinate*, beans and corn to the rice. Stir well and allow to cook until liquid is absorbed. Test rice. If it still has a bit of a crunch, add ¼ cup of water.

I grilled my chicken 2 minutes to a side on a medium-medium high meat. Every grill is different, so use your best judgment. I like to place my meat on an angle to the grates. After two minutes, I turn the meat 45 degrees top create a cross mark pattern. After an additional 2 minutes, I flip the chicken, again keeping it on an angle. I then do my final turn. At this point, I check the chicken with my finger, pressing on it to check the firmness of the chicken. With Chicken, you want it to be firm, but not stiff. Try this trick…gently touch the tip of your ring finger and them. With your other hand, press your pointer finger into the ‘meaty’ part of your palm just under your thumb. Your chicken should have the same firmness.

Time to Plate…Start with a generous serving of Rice, Black Beans and Corn and add the grilled chicken.


And Remember…. Get the kids to help set the table. Placemat, Fork, Knife, Folded Napkin, Cup or Glass for their drinks. Teach them: Forks go on the left and knives and spoons go on the right. (To remember: “Fork” has four letters, as does “left”; “knife” and “spoon” both have five letters, as does “right.”) Folded Napkin under the Fork on the left side. A set table sets up a nice protocol for family time. Not always easy to do and it gives kids a chance to share about their day.

NO CELL PHONES...that includes mom and dad!

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